Events and Custom trainings
We’ve been in the Tech Industry long enough. Not 20+ years, but even if we were it wouldn’t tell us more than what we know now… Simply because the world is too complex, and is changing too fast, and the things that made sense 10y ago, don’t really matter today.
So, trust us when we tell you long enough.
Long enough to go through all the levels and phases. Long enough to really listen and observe
Long enough to understand challenges throughout the organization.
We’ve been part of teams as individual and team contributors. We’ve been leading teams and parts of the organization. We’ve been training, mentoring, coaching individuals, teams and organizations while being a day to day part of them. We really know what is bothering developers, what managers need most of the time, what orgs are striving to achieve. And we have some ways to help you overcome that…
So dial in, let us know what the challenge is, and let's figure it out together. No company is the same, no team and no individual, and therefore each challenge should be treated as a unique, one of its kind. And it can only be overcome if we work together with you.